Bob Ferguson Songwriter


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Bob Ferguson Songwriter


Kr. 3.500 - 6.500




up to 3 x 45 mins.


Bob Ferguson Songwriter is the former lead singer in Beggars Row Celtic band who toured Denmark at Festivals and various venues for 13 years. Bob is also lead singer in Celtic Horizon Band.

Bob has performed solo for many years in Denmark and Europe performing Celtic Music and his own original songs. Bob also has a troubadour solo act. Bob roams around the stage and the audience while performing and all his concerts have a happy and fun theme to them.

Bob has 3 solo acts in Denmark. Bob Trad - sings traditional Scottish, Irish folk songs and sometimes his own songs.

Bob Ferguson Songwriter is almost all his own songs written in a folk style.

Bob Troubadour - sings Scots, Irish, country, 60s, 70s, 80s. 90s, country, pop, rock and original composions and parodies.

Bob uses a wirelss system to roam around the audience while singing some songs. All the audiences love this part.

Happy fun is what Bob loves at his concerts, and loves to sing songs everyone can sing along with.

If you want to listen to a genuine Scottish accent similar to Outlander and Braveheart singing songs dressed on colourful tartans then book Bob now!


  1. 00:00 have you ever seen the rain, pretty w...
  2. 00:00 Summertime
  3. 00:00 Carrickfergus


Anmeldelser ( | af Bob Ferguson Songwriter: 5,0 ud af 5 baseret på 2 anmeldelser )


Underholdning i særklasse

Bob Ferguson har spillet i Hannes Musikcafe i marts 2023 og vi har været til flere af hans koncerter.
Hans repertoire spænder vidt og er hentet fra den skotsk/irske/amerikanske sangskat iblandet hans egne numre. Fra først til sidst inddrager han publikum - bl.a. bevæger han sig rundt blandt publikum og får dem til at synge med på de mange kendte syng-med-sange.
Bob er fantastisk god til at "læse" sit publikum, laver masser af fis, gas og jokes og har i det hele taget en fantastisk kontakt med sit publikum. Sangene bindes sammen og krydres med fine fortællinger, masser af humor og levende beskrivelser.
Iklædt kilt og med sin kraftfulde stemme skaber han, fra han indtager scenen, en tæt og intim stemning og man går fra koncerten i godt humør.
Vi kan på det allervarmeste anbefale Bob Ferguson.

Anmeldt af Hanne Hvidberg d. 17. marts 2024


Bob spillede på Ankerpladsen i Thyborøn til fiskedag. Bob gjorde det fantastisk, og særligt fordi han inddrager publikum. Bob går rundt med hans guitar blandt publikum, og alle synger med. En klar anbefaling herfra 😊👏

Anmeldt af Tina Andersen d. 7. august 2023

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