The Rockin' Jays
The Rockin' Jays is classic Rock’n Roll configured the simple way, playing a repertoire that pays a refined tribute to the founders of Rock from the 50s and 60s. The sense of rhythm, raw energy and good vibrations go together in an evening of vibrant and intense experience. Leave sorrows at the door, dancing shoes advisable, it's 100% Rock 'n' Roll guaranteed!!
The Rockin' Jays is a Spanish-Danish Rock'n'Roll quartet, based in Copenhagen and formed by the charismatic front man ‘big’ Juan Perez Riquelme, as the next chapter of a lifelong love story with Rock’n Roll, formerly played out at Spanish venues and bars.
It’s a Rockin' Jays trademark to rescue rhythms and melodies from the unjust fate of oblivion and undervaluation and rediscovering undervalued or even forgotten songs. They are served with the original simplicity and the sense of rhythm of the primitive Rock: Boogie-Woogie, Rockabilly, Stroll, Bop, Early R&B or Country-Swing. With delicious and inciting Rockin' Blues dressings by Bjarke on guitar; with an indisputable and forceful quality in the rhythm section, by Villads and Allan; and with the powerful baritone in the voice of frontman Juan, The Rockin' Jays bring together all the essential qualities of Rock'n Roll.
The Rockin' Jays offers up to four sets of 45 min. We also offers a two-set Elvis tribute. Elvis Is The King!
Twenty Flight Rock
Rip It Up
Sixteen Chicks
I'm Ready
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